HERE YOU WILL FIND ALL the NEWS of THIS WEBSITE NEWS a) Thomas Martin with Timothy Cobb CD number 5 about Bottesini. b) New transcription by MICHELE CELLARO
View ArticleAbout Franco Petracchi
In the page of Bow and Fingerings you can find three videos by italian soloist Franco Petracchi in which it's possible to listen to his music and look at his technique, with a lot of suggestments. The...
View ArticleNEW or OLD Compact Disc or LPs
FOR EVERYONE Well, if you have got a Cd or LP regarding to the classical double bass (as soloist), old-modern-contemporary Music, you might send me one mail with no attachments so I might add it in...
View ArticleTHE BASS GANG (Italian quartett of double basses)
Without a doubt The Bass Gang (the italian quartett of double bass) is considered one of the best classical-bass-ensemble in the world, some critics talk about them as the best. But imho they have...
View ArticleThe Last Ideas by Vito Liuzzi
First of all happy christamas and happy new year. I don't know if I will have other interesting ideas for 2010 in relation with our so loved instrument, the double bass or il Contrabbasso (it's also...
View ArticleSorry, but the player has changed
I'm sorry but the player has changed not for my fault. Now you can listen to some Bottesini's works and some orchestral ones. Please to sign My Guest Book to know if all this work is helping someone....
View ArticleALL ABOUT BOOTESINI (an incredible book)
It's strange but very strange. Usually I don't watch to my website Statistcs because I think there are not so important. But I've noted one thing: there are very few visitors which download the MOST...
View ArticleSurely a new page called: "Daily Contents"
Dear friends and collegues and students, I surely will add in the next days a NEW PAGE called "DAILY CONTENTS". What's about it! In the right part of this my official website I usally talk you in a...
View Articleil violone
IL VIOLONE – dal Trattato sul Flauto Traverso di J.Joachim QuANTZ (1752) Per tutti gli appassionati di Storia del Contrabbasso. Riporto oggi un interessantissimo studio del famoso...
View ArticleIl contrabbasso
COME TENERE UN CONTRABBASSO, LA POSTURA DEL CONTRABBASSO - by Vito Liuzzi Scrivo a braccio alcune mie personali osservazioni su quella che è la postura più corretta da adottarsi su di un contrabbasso...
COME TENERE UN CONTRABBASSO, LA POSTURA DEL CONTRABBASSO - by Vito LiuzziScrivo a braccio alcune mie personali osservazioni su quella che è la postura più corretta da adottarsi su di un contrabbasso...
View ArticleI'M SORRY....
Some of you has asked me to write my Blog in English before than in Italian. I would like very happy to be able to write a Blog only in English but my English is really no correct and I don't know a...
View ArticleIL VIBRATO
CONTRABBASSO: il vibrato (tipologia) -Vito Liuzzi Parlare del vibrato su di un contrabbasso specie se scritto a braccio non è cosa facile, anzi riesce abbastanza difficile specie per il fatto che non...
View ArticleSTEFANO SCODANIBBIO E' MORTO A 55 anni (vito Liuzzi)
Macerata, 10 gennaio 2012 - Stefano Scodanibbio è morto nella notte tra domenica e lunedì. Scodanibbio è morto a 55 anni in Messico, nella citta' di Cuernavaca, dopo una lunga malattia....
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